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Scripting Reference





Computes the launch velocity by the given start point, end point, and coefficient a of the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c which determines the trajectory of the projectile motion.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

a: The a coefficient of the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c. It determines the shape and speed of the trajectory, for example, -0.2f makes the trajectory curvier and slower while -0.01f makes it straighter and faster. Should always be negative.



Computes the launch velocity by the given start point, end point, and launch angle in degrees.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

elevationAngle: The launch angle in degrees. 0 means launch horizontally. Should be from -90f (exclusive) to 90f (exclusive) and greater than the elevation angle formed by start to end.



Computes the launch velocity by the given start point, end point, and time in seconds the projectile flies from start to end. The projectile object will be exactly at the end point time seconds after launch.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

time: The time in seconds you want the projectile to fly from start to end.



Computes the launch velocity by the given start point, end point, and max height of the projectile motion.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

heightFromEnd: The height measured from the end point (for example, 1f means the max height of the trajectory is 1 meter above the end point). The algorithm automatically clamps the value if it is lower than the y value of start or end.



Computes the two angle results by the given start point, end point, and launch speed. Returns false if out of reach.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

speed: The launch speed of the projectile object.

lowAngle: The lower angle that satisfies the conditions, or 0 if the method returns false.

highAngle: The higher angle that satisfies the conditions, or 0 if the method returns false.


💡 Note

If AnglesBySpeed or VelocitiesBySpeed returns true, then there are always two effective and different out results, this is mathematically correct. One extreme case is that when the start and the end form exactly the maximum range that the speed can reach, the two out results will be the same. No matter whether the return value is true or false, any value originally supplied in out ... will be overwritten.



Computes the two velocity results by the given start point, end point, and launch speed. Returns false if out of reach. This is an extended version of AnglesBySpeed. It is more convenient than AnglesBySpeed when the rotation is not separated into y axis and x axis.

(For example, cannon's rotation is separated, base => y, barrel => local x, while an archer using a bow the rotation can be Slerp(...) directly between two directions.)

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

speed: The launch speed of the projectile object.

lowAngleV: The lower-angle velocity that satisfies the conditions, or (0, 0, 0) if the method returns false.

highAngleV The higher-angle velocity that satisfies the conditions, or (0, 0, 0) if the method returns false.



Overload 1

Computes how far a projectile that uses the given speed at start can reach at the given elevation endElevation. Returns -1f if can't reach the elevation.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

endElevation: The elevation (y) of the target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

speed: The launch speed of the projectile object.


Overload 2

Computes how far a projectile that uses the given speed at start can reach at the given elevation endElevation, and outputs the corresponding launch angle. Returns -1f if can't reach the elevation.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

endElevation: The elevation (y) of the target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

speed: The launch speed of the projectile object.

angle: The angle that satisfies the conditions.





Computes the position of the projectile at the given time counted from the moment the projectile is at origin.

origin: The start point, usually the launch point.

originVelocity: The velocity of the projectile when it is at point origin.

time: The time counted from the moment the projectile is at point origin.

gAcceleration: Gravitational acceleration, equals the magnitude of gravity (normally you just need to pass Physics.gravity.y).



Computes the trajectory points of the projectile and stores them into the buffer.

origin: The start point, usually the launch point.

originVelocity: The velocity of the projectile when it is at point origin.

distance: To calculate the positions to how far, from point origin and ignoring height.

count: How many positions to sample along the ideal parabolic curve, including the origin point and end point.

gAcceleration: Gravitational acceleration, equals the magnitude of gravity (normally you just need to pass Physics.gravity.y).

positions: The buffer to store the calculated positions.



Tests if a projectile at start can use the vertical velocity (y) of startVelocity to hit the elevation (y) of end, if true, outputs the time of flight based on the vertical speed. Horizontal speed is ignored.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

startVelocity: The velocity at the start point, or launch velocity.

timesOfFlight: The time results that a projectile fly from start to end with the launch velocity startVelocity.



Tests if a projectile with velocity startVelocity at point start will hit point end, and outputs the time of flight.

start: The starting point of the projectile motion.

end: The target point you want the projectile motion to hit or pass through.

startVelocity: The velocity at the start point, or launch velocity.

testMode: FlightTestMode (Enum).

timeOfFlight: The time that a projectile fly from start to end with the launch velocity startVelocity.


💡 What's the Difference between FlightTest and VerticalFlightTest?

VerticalFlightTest focuses on the vertical value y of the velocity and end point, x and z values are ignored. It is good for when: 1) you don't know the x and z values of the end point, or 2) the start and end points are very close, or equal, on the xz-plane, which will cause computer precision issues using the horizontal-based one (FlightTestMode.Horizontal).

FlightTest is a superset of VerticalFlightTest, when you set the testMode to FlightTestMode.VerticalA or FlightTestMode.VerticalB, it invokes VerticalFlightTest.


Components (MonoBehaviour)


Trajectory Predictor

This is a component that let you easily predict and render trajectories, it wraps Positions(...) and has trajectory rendering implemented. See Manual > How to use > Trajectory prediction for the concrete usage.


(new in 2.0) PEB Trajectory Predictor

PEB Trajectory Predictor has dedicated documentation page: Link



Projectile Toolkit 2.0